Electrolysis (electrocoagulation) can be used to remove skin growths, blemishes and unwanted hair. Results are often instantaneous and involve minimal downtime.
What can we treat with Electrolysis ?
There are 21 different indications to use this technique, but the most common are:
Thread veins and spider naevus
Blood spots and cherry angiomas
Skin tags and milia
Common, plantar and seborrhoeic warts
Mole reduction and hairs in moles
Unwanted grey and white hair
Multiple treatments are often required to achieve the desired outcome.
On the day of treatment do not apply creams or perfume which may sensitise your skin.
What are recovery instructions?
Immediately after electrolysis the treated area will be red and feel hot. If a dressing has been applied – keep it dry and do not remove for time advised by your practitioner.
Apply with fresh cotton pads Witch Hazel to help prevent infection and Aloe Vera to soothe and promote healing as directed by your practitioner.
Post treatment you should avoid for 48 hours:
Extreme temperatures.
Swimming pools / spas / saunas.
Using skin sensitisers such as perfume, fake tan and jewellery that will rub the area.
Do not pick any crusting that may form as this could result in pigment changes or scarring. Leave the crusting to fall away naturally.
To prevent the risk of infection avoid touching the treated areas with your fingers and you should only use mineral make-up while ensuring all application brushes / sponges are clean.
For two weeks avoid direct bright sunshine on the treated area and use SPF50 sun protection.
Are there any side affects?
Yes, there is always minimal risk of developing complications, the most common are :
Redness up to 48 hours.
Crusting up to 14 days.
Pustules forming.
Spontaneous pain or discharge of fluids at treatment point.
Is there any Review procedure?
Yes, of course. As always we offer our patients follow up visit.
Electrolysis treatments typically require one or more appointments to achieve the desired outcome.